3 Steps to Repair: How to fix your parenting mistakes

  • Effectively repair the damage
  • Strengthen the bonds that you have with your kids
  • Build a Repair Action Plan to prevent similar mistakes
  • Break generational cycles of yelling and roughness
  • Stop the seeds of trauma from ever taking root
Get Module 1 for FREE!

This workshop is for you if:

  • You yell at your kids

  • You’re too rough 

  • You lose control

  • You want a better relationship with your kids

  • You’re sick of feeling parent guilt and shame

  • You’re ready for a change


If you get overwhelmed by the challenges of parenting and find yourself making mistakes that leave you feeling guilt… you’re not alone.

Mistakes are going to happen. It’s about what comes after the mistake that matters most. 

We created this workshop to help us all navigate the aftermath of our mistakes with confidence.

Don’t let the open wounds fester. We can approach every mistake as an opportunity to grow and deepen our connections.

Take action with our 3 steps to repair to build stronger, healthier relationships with your kids. We can prevent the seeds of trauma from ever taking root!

Let’s repair, grow, and thrive together. 

-Jenilee and Greg  

Get Module 1 for FREE!

You're in good hands.

✅ Jenilee and Greg are husband and wife, parents of four, on a mission to help caregivers become the parents they want to be.

âś… Greg is a Doctor of Educational Psychology and Jenilee is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist.

✅ They each have over 12 years of experience applying science-backed parenting practices both professionally and at home.

There are two ways to access the workshop.

You can get our '3 Steps to Repair' workshop as a standalone product or access it along with many other features within The Happy Human Collective, our education and support community.


Happy Human Collective

FREE for 7 days

$28/month after the 7-day trial

  • Access our entire growing library of workshops
  • Get your burning questions answered at our live virtual meetups
  • Apply what you learn within our growth challenges
  • Get daily support within our open chat threads
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Workshop Only


One-time payment

  • Access the entire '3 Steps to Repair' workshop
  • Over 140 minutes of educational content and application-based activities
  • Self-paced so you can access the content and activities on your own time
  • Digital downloads accompany each of the five modules
Get it now

What parents are saying about our workshops...

"I love that your workshops aren't all lecturing. The activities make me stop and reflect, and in this world, it's such a rare thing to do but makes all the difference." -Sarah

"The content, organization, and flow of the modules (along with the printables) is unparalleled! I've taken a lot of online workshops, but none compare to yours. Thank you!" -Ashley

“You've helped me show up as the calm and kind adult that I want to be for my kids. You're amazing and your workshops are SO valuable! THANK YOU!" -Stephanie

Access all of our workshops in The Collective
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