Kid Screaming and Throwing Things?

Feb 27, 2025


Hello, Happy Human! 👋

 We're here with our weekly 3 things...

1️⃣ A question from our community

2️⃣ Our actionable tips

3️⃣ A resource from our toolkit



1. The question


"My kid has been screaming and even throwing things when they don’t get their way. I’m doing my best to hold firm boundaries, but I find myself losing it and yelling right along with them. What should I do when they get this way?”



2. Our answer


We get it. Like REALLY get it.

It’s one thing to tell yourself to stay calm when your kid is having a full blown meltdown, but when they’re throwing things or nearly breaking glass with their ear-piercing screaming, our calm can feel entirely impossible to access.

We remember a time not too long ago when one of our daughters was having a “storm of the century” level meltdown. 

It had been a long day, we were both exhausted, overstimulated, and running on fumes. 

One of us (who will go unnamed… but you all know it was Greg) joined her storm. He matched her energy and got loud, but all that did was escalate things.

But here’s the thing…

Our kids don’t choose to lose control. Simply put, they lack the skills to self-regulate

It’s just not a skill that any of us are born with, but instead, is something that kids develop through co-regulating with their caregivers.

In short, they need to borrow our calm until they can find their own.

When we join their storm, we become a co-escalator that only fuels the chaos. But when we show up as co-regulators, we model the very skill they need to learn

It’s never about “fixing” their emotions in the moment. It’s about being a solid, steady presence that helps them find their way back to calm.

Now this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t set boundaries. It just means that we hold those boundaries without becoming a threat

It means we NEED to ground ourselves first, so our kid has something stable to hold onto.

If you’re thinking…

“That all sounds great, but HOW do I actually do this?”

Just know, you’re not alone… and we can help.



3. From our toolkit


The truth is, staying calm isn’t just a mindset shift. You can’t just think your way out of dysregulation.

Instead, you need a nervous system shift… or in other words, a physiological reset. And that’s exactly what we focus on within our 12-Week Family Reset Program.

This isn’t just another parenting course. It’s a guided therapeutic experience that rewires your nervous system (and your kid’s) so accessing calm — even during the hardest moments — becomes easier and more natural.

We have only three spots left for our March 3rd cohort (we start Monday), so if you want one of those spots, now is the time to grab it!

👉 Click here to learn more and sign up

If you have any questions about the program, don't hesitate to send us an email ([email protected]).

We’re here if you need us. 🙂

 ❤️ Jenilee & Greg



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