Kids ‘fall apart’ at home?

Jan 30, 2025


Hello, Happy Humans! 👋

We're here with our weekly 3 things...

1️⃣ A question from our community

2️⃣ Our actionable tips

3️⃣ A resource from our toolkit



1. The question


"My kid just falls apart when they’re home with me. Their teacher says they’re fine at school, so am I doing something wrong?”



2. Our answer


We hear this BIG time. 

And just know right off the bat, you’re definitely not alone!

So the good news…

What you’re experiencing doesn’t mean that you’re failing as a parent. In fact, it’s the opposite.

Our kids do their best to hold it together all day when they’re in environments that pressure them to behave a certain way (at school, daycare, playdates).

They’re doing their best to manage their expectations, stress, and feelings, and it’s EXHAUSTING for their little nervous systems.

So, when they get home and see YOU… their safe person… they finally feel free to let it all out. 

Their tantrums and meltdowns aren’t “bad” behavior. It’s just their way of processing the big feelings that they’ve been bottling up all day. 

Yeah… it’s messy. But it’s also a sign that they trust you deeply.

So what should you do when they “fall apart” at home?

Do your best to show up as a calm, supportive presence. You essentially want to act as a co-regulator that teaches them how to manage those BIG feelings.

But we get it…

It’s not always easy keeping our cool as their storm rages around us. In fact, it’s been our greatest challenge as parents of four young kids over the past nearly 13 years.

And that’s why we built our 12-Week Family Reset Program



3. From our toolkit


It’s no secret that keeping your cool amidst the chaos is HARD. 

But this is exactly what our 12-Week Family Reset is designed to help you with.

The biggest outcome? 

You’ll develop the ability to regulate YOUR nervous system so you can show up as the calm, safe space that your kids need (even on the hardest days).

The foundation of the program is the Safe and Sound Protocol, a science-backed listening therapy that will retune your nervous system and fundamentally change how you manage the day-to-day chaos.

We’re launching the pilot of this program on March 3, 2025 and spots are already filling up!

👉 Learn more about our ‘12-week Reset’ here.

So the next time your kid has a meltdown, just remember…

They’re not doing it to hurt you or because you’re failing in some way. 

They’re doing it because they trust you enough to be their true, messy self. 

Take a breath, get on their level, and just BE there.

You’ve got this. 🙂

❤️ Jenilee & Greg



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