Saving our kids from diet culture

Have you ever wondered how to handle situations where family members label foods as "good" or "bad" in front of your children?

In this episode, we dig into the following question from our community:

"My mother-in-law is always labeling foods as good or bad in front of our daughter. She came home yesterday telling me that Grammy said, 'All I eat is junk food.' How do we handle this?"

Here’s our tip…

Empower kids by educating them about the nutritional content of foods.

There's no such thing as inherently "good" or "bad" foods. Instead, it's about understanding the macro and micronutrients that foods provide (or lack).

By emphasizing education over stigmatization, we equip children with the tools they need to develop a healthy relationship with food so they don’t fall victim to the diet culture that so many of us were raised in.

✨Looking for more support? Come grow with us in The Happy Human Collective, our education and support community.

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Thanks for listening. 🙂

-Jenilee and Greg